Install and setup IRSSI to announce locally to tuper.
Install screen and irssi:
apt-get install screen apt-get install irssi
Start irssi:
screen -S irssi irssi
Set network and autoconnect to channel:
/network add -autosendcmd "/^join #CHANNELNAME1;/^join #CHANNELNAME2;wait 5000;/^script load /home/tup/tuper4/" -nick WHATEV -user WHATEV -realname WHATEV networkname /server add -network networkname -auto -p 59595 -ssl
write /save to save config and /quit to quit
Edit /home/tup/.irssi/config so that port and pass are correct.
address = "IP_HERE"; chatnet = "NETWORK_NAME"; port = "PORT_HERE"; password = "password"; use_ssl = "yes"; ssl_verify = "no"; autoconnect = "yes";
Restart irssi to make the changes take effect.
screen -S irssi irssi
(Usage: switch windows with alt+1, alt+2)
Now you have to create the file in /tuper4
use Irssi; use Irssi::Irc; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); my $VERSION="3.0"; my %IRSSI = ( authors=> '', name=> 'FTP auto', description=> 'FTP Auto download announcement script', license=> '', ); # Change the nick my $botnick = "Angel"; sub event_message { my ($server, $text, $nick, $address, $target) = @_; $text =~ s/\x03\d?\d?(,\d?\d?)?|\x02|\x1f|\x16|\x06|\x07|\x0f//g; if( $nick eq $botnick ){ # Change this regexp my $match = qr/DONE: -(.*?)- (.*?) with (\d*)/i; if ($text =~ $match) { my $type = $1; my $release = $2; print "Name: $release; Category: $type"; # Change this path as necessary system "/home/tup/tuper4/bin/tuper", ("local_rls", "ftp1", "0", $type, $release, "ftp"); } } } Irssi::signal_add("message public", "event_message");
Edit /home/tup/tuper4/ so that regex etc is correct to the announcements. Check logstream for output.
If Fish is needed: /setkey #Channelname key